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Terms and conditions

Here at Culture therapy I care about the safety and privacy of my clients. Read the terms and conditions below to find out how I deal with your sensitive data and how I protect you all throughout our relationship and beyond. For more information on cancellation, please click here. You will also receive a Client Care Package after the intake outlining all terms, conditions ans policies you need to know to guarantee a smooth and transparent working relationship between client and therapist.

Privacy and confidentiality

For proper treatment it is necessary that I, as your treating therapist, maintain a client file. This is also a legal obligation imposed by the WGBO. Your file contains notes about:


  • your idenitiy (Name, place of birth, date of birth and gender)

  • your health status and information about the examinations, tests and treatments performed

  • other information necessary for your treatment and that I have requested, after your explicit permission, from you or another care provider, for example from the general practitioner.


Privacy is therefore very important to me, and I do my best to ensure it. This means that I handle your personal and medical information with care and ensure that unauthorized persons do not have access to your data. As your treating therapist, I have sole access to the data in your file.

I have a legal confidentiality obligation (professional secrecy) , meaning that no confidential information will be divulged to third parties without your explicit consent. Confidentiality will only be broken without your consent in the case that you show a significant risk for self-harm or harm to others, in which case I am legally obliged to notify the necessary authorities of said risk.


The data from your file can also be used for the following purposes:


  • To inform other healthcare providers, for example when the therapy has been completed or when referring to another practitioner. This only happens with your explicit permission.

  • For use for observation by another therapist, during my absence or for the anonymized use during peer evaluation.


A small part of the data from your file is used for financial administration, so that my online administrator (Visma) and I can prepare an invoice. An outline of this data is listed below.


Contact information such as your phone number, email address will be used for the sole purpose of contacting you.


If I want to make use of your data for any other reason than those listed above, I will first inform you and explicitly request your permission.


The data in the client file is retained for 15 years as required by the law on the treatment agreement.

Privacy regarding invoicing

The bill that you receive contains the information needed for administration and invoicing purposes. They are the following:


  • Your name, postcode, place of residence and country of residence.

  • The date of treatment

  • The name of the service rendered, such as "Individual session"

  • The costs of the consultation


Invoices will be kept for the duration of 7 years as per Dutch taxation laws.

GDPR compliance

At Culture Therapy, I ensure full compliance with the GDPR. This means you have the right to view, correct or delete any and all data I have relating to you following a written request to do so.
You also have the right to withdraw any permissions you granted regarding the use of your personal data.

Complaint procedure

I am held to the NIP (Nederlands Instituut van Psychologen) code of practice and Dutch complaint and disciplinary law. For complaints, please refer to the NIP page about complaints.

Payment & Cancellation

Payment is currently only available via bank transfer. Other payment options can be discussed and arranged based on client needs and available options.


Cancellation 24 hours before is free of charge. A no-show fee amounting to 75 euros is charged if the session is canceled less than 24 hours prior to the booking or in the case of unannounced lateness of more than 10 minutes to the session. 


Culture Therapy


KVK: 75717905
BTW-id: NL002505829B15

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